guest performance
A contemporary dance piece by Tiago Manquinho with the ensemble act:on
guest performance by Tiago Manquinho with ensemble act:on
People instinctively look for beauty in their surroundings, be it in objects, other people or small moments. This is based on our feelings and is always subjective, depending on our experiences and socialisation. In this dance production, Tiago Manquinho and his ensemble encourage us to recognise beauty beyond normative standards.
An imperfect beauty (B.eauty).
In these fragile times, the piece invites us to question our ideals of beauty, which are characterised by commercial norms and power structures.
Let's use this time of upheaval to expand our ideas of beauty and togetherness and create space for diversity and difference.
27 + 28 September 2024
show start 8 pm
tickets 15 € / 11 € erm. / Studierende 7 € / Soliticket 0 €
indoors in the theater
duration approximatley 1 hour
no spoken language
Choreography Tiago Manquinho in cooperation with the dancers
Dance Francesca Ciaffoni, Erika Cucumazzo, Yuri Fortini
Stage und costumes Katharina Andes
Production assistance Olivia Hotz