guest performance

Making Impressions And Other Failures

dance performance by Laura Hicks and Ilana Reynolds

  guest performance by Laura Hicks and Ilana Reynolds
part of → SPOTTED dance performance network


»When we earnestly dive into being ›too much‹ does the surface crack to expose something more vulnerable?«

MAKING IMPRESSIONS AND OTHER FAILURES is a dance-performance duet that deals with ecstatic and peculiar gestures as a bizarre way of relating to another person or making an impression while revealing deeper layers of oneself.

With humour, awkwardness and slight extremes, the performers attempt an inability to inhibit their impulses while being driven by a structure that restricts and controls them.

The work exposes the performers to real mistakes and moments of failure while celebrating joy and playfulness. It humorously highlights the attempt to make an impression on others and the merciless failure to do so.

To provide an appropriate setting for the work, come dressed in evening attire!

  The performance will be accompanied by two free workshops by professional dancers for people aged 15-25. Interested parties can register soon via our website!

21. September 2024

Beginn 20 Uhr

Eintritt 15 € / 11 € erm. / Studierende 7 € / Soliticket 0 €

  indoor im Theater

  Dauer ca. 50 Minuten

  the work uses improvised text in English, but an understanding of the language isn’t necessary.

From and With Laura Hicks and Ilana Reynolds
Peacock Ewelina Zielonka
Outside Eye Douglas Bateman
Light Design Gregor Knüppel
Photography Mili November
Video Mariana Brzostowski

Gastspiel ermöglicht durch Eine Initiative von

»Laura Hicks und Ilana Reynolds ist eine ungemein erfrischende, ebenso komische wie bissige Auseinander setzung mit einem menschlicher Grundbedürfnis gelungen - anderen zu gefallen und in einem guter Licht zu stehen.«
– Hagen Haas, General Anzeiger, Oktober 25, 2021

»Laura Hicks und Ilana Reynolds erforschen absurde Gesten und Bewegungen. Gerade ihre Versuche, dabei mit dem Publikum zu kommunizieren, entwickeln eine Komik, wie man sie im zeitgenössischen Tanz nicht so oft zu sehen bekommt. Selten war kommunikatives Scheitern so vergnüglich und intelligent zugleich.«
– Auswahlkommission Freie Szene HTT21

Fotos: Mili November