und die Themen

a play by Bonn Park

Theatre Dance Media

»I want to shred everything terrible until sense and peace finally return.«

This is the story of a young ungulate that was once curious and then no longer. Bambi carries all the questions in the world in itself. One day it can no longer find answers, its forest burns down, the furious internet enters its life and nothing makes sense any more: Bambi, Thumper and Flower live in a shared flat in Dinosaur City and try to lead a good life. Above all, however, they long for the most beautiful scene in the world.

The play by young playwright Bonn Park is dedicated to the as yet untold youth of the three (seemingly) familiar characters Bambi, Flower and Thumper. They search for a language for their powerlessness, hope and excessive demands in a world full of issues and problems in which it doesn't always seem clear whether reality is dystopian or just their own experience...

A crazy theatre trip about us in the here and now – with an interdisciplinary ensemble of dance and drama.

»I hope I can continue to discover so many things and stay interested in things forever. The world seems infinitely big and infinitely fascinating.«


14. / 16. / 17. / 21. / 28. August 2024
4. / 6. / 7. / 11. / 13. Septembre 2024

start 8 pm

tickets  15 € / 11 € erm. / 7 € Studierende / Soliticket 0 €


Ensemble Nina Melcher, Larissa PotapovJonas Vietzke, Tommy Wiesner, Martin Winkelmann
Direction + media Jonas Vietzke
Stage Britta Bremer
Costume Marie Harneit
Choreography Nina Melcher, Larissa PotapovJonas Vietzke
Outside Eye Choreography Ann-Leonie Niss
Assistance Pierre Hofmann
Support Lena Kußmann
Poster motif + design Bureau Wolff

A play by Bonn Park

Stage rights henschel SCHAUSPIEL Theaterverlag Berlin

Gefördert durch

Promofotos © Chris Wolff

Über die Romanvorlage: Bambi und die Nazis (Ausschnitt, arte)
Bambi lernt sprechen (YouTube)