but what if you fly?
guest performance
guest performance NISS | POTAPOV Hamburg
»But what if you fly?« is a dance piece about longing. It searches for the core of our own desires and how this is overshadowed by a counteracting industry of longing.
What are our actual longings? What happens when longing becomes radicalised? How far can a feeling be stretched until it tears and painfully snaps back?
The dance-performative duet explores desire and longing in intoxicating states in interaction with a live musician and opens the space for the question:
But what if...?
Production supported by Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.
Made possible by Wiederaufnahme- und Gastspielförderung des Dachverbands freie darstellende Künste Hamburg aus Mitteln der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien.
December 15th + 16th 2023
show starts 20 Uhr
duration 45 Minuten
tickets 15 € / 11 € / students 7 € / solidarity ticket 0 €
guest performance NISS | POTAPOV (Hamburg)
→ annleonieniss.de
artistic direction NISS | POTAPOV
choreography + dance Ann-Leonie Niss & Larissa Potapov
musical composition + live performance Jan Paul Werge
dramaturgy Nana Anine
technical direction + lighting design Doria Worden
dramaturgical advice Barbara Schmidt-Rohr
design Judith Hilgenstöhler
photography Steffen Baraniak
no spoken language
»The play opens with a literally breathtaking scene«
→ read more
– tanznetz.de, Peter Sampel, 2022
»When they both spin around in circles for minutes to the music, it's as if both of them, along with their dreams, are about to take off.«
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– Hamburger Abendblatt, Annette Stiekele, 2022